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Storyboard & Animatic

Storyboards are a series of pictures in sequence which tells a story and provides instructions. This helps creators and directors know the action sequences.

All storyboards start with brainstorming, whether its for a film or music video; my group and I started with brainstorming ideas for our music video.

After this process, we undertook audience feedback whom looked at our ideas, and told us which ones they liked best; in turn enabling us to see which ideas to eliminate.

Once our story line had been chosen and the key action sequences had been decided upon, we created hand-drawn illustrations to create a storyboard.

The main purpose of our storyboard is to pre-visualize what will ultimately appear in our music video, onscreen.



Our Animatic:

Once we created our storyboards, we created our animatic. An animatic is a draft version of what your final product will look like. The primary purpose for our animatic in animation, is to help us figure out and perfect our timing.


Re-Drafting - Story Board 2 - Final

Below I present the second and final draft of our storyboard. The video outlines changes and alterations we have made to the original storyboard, along with reasons why. We found from AS that this is a creative way of presenting our second storyboard, rather than simply uploading new pictures. Creating a first storyboard really enabled us to see which ideas we are able to eliminate, especially when it came to actually constructing our music video.
Our final key action sequences have been decided upon.

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